Selected Interests
- Security → Cryptography; Diff. Privacy; MPC; TEE; ZK
- Blockchains → Agents; MEV; Protocols; Game Theory
- Clean Code → Rust; Python; Solidity; Infra; Algorithms
- Astrophysics → Quantum Field Theories; Group Theory
Selected Experiences
- Building what's next in ai and decentralized protocols: we're stealth, but stay tuned!
- Co-founded, an R&D org for toxic-MEV minimization && DeFi gamification
- Blockchain Researcher && Engineer; XP from: Ethereum PSE, KeeeperDAO, Immunefi
- Founder Filmmaker/Midsummer DAO; "Story"; arxived by my Loot Story NFT (contract)
- Founding Engineer of the Blockchain Team at Shopify (together with 6 other shopifolk)
- Senior Software Engineer: Shopify; Apple (CoreOS); Etsy (Sec team); Yelp (Sec team)
- Ph.D. Graduate Researcher at the Los Alamos and Brookhaven National Laboratories
- Ph.D. in Theoretical Astrophysics at Stony Brook University (full scholarship + tuition)
- Undergrad (summer) Research Scholarship at NASA Goddard Space Center && CUA
- B.Sc. in Physics at the University of Sao Paulo (Engineering School; Physics Institute)
Selected Idiosyncrasies
- The Autistic Symposium: my open-source R&D org on Blockchains; Privacy; Physics
- Post-graduate e-books: Group Theory; Quantum Field Theory; Quantum Information
- Peer-reviewed scientific publications: with Los Alamos; with Brookhaven; or randoms
- Book on Algorithms in Python (published by Hanbit); ex-blog chmod +x
- Speaker at DEF CON on Hacking Quantum Cryptography; gray hat hacker for 10+ years
- Speaker at European Space Agency; 1st High School Project (expert sys) MOSTRATEC
- First website (in mid-school) was; first Linux distribution was Conectiva